Vamos estimular o pensamento matemático, a partir de um problema com o índice de massa corporal

  • Uldarico Víctor Malaspina Jurado Pontificia Universidad  Católica del Perú
Palavras-chave: média aritmética, pensamento matemático, particularização, generalização, função de duas variáveis


In this problem it is required to analyze the possibility that the arithmetic mean of the body mass index (BMI) of the members of a group of people remains within a certain range, when changing one of the members of the group by another person whose mass is greater than that of the replaced person. The fact of not knowing the number of members of the group, nor their BMI, is used to stimulate mathematical thinking through the construction and analysis of particular cases that, in turn, provide elements for a general analysis. A look at the problem using two variables functions is included and it is concluded with some didactic-mathematical comments.


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Biografia Autor

Uldarico Víctor Malaspina Jurado, Pontificia Universidad  Católica del Perú

Doctor en Ciencias, Profesor Emérito de la Pontificia Universidad    Católica del Perú. Expositor en foros internacionales de Educación Matemática.  Autor y coautor de libros y artículos de Matemática y Educación Matemática. Académico de Número de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Perú. Palmas Magisteriales - Grado Amauta



Font, V. y Contreras, A. (2008). The problem of the particular and its relation to the general in mathematics education. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 69, 33-52.

Malaspina, U. (2010). De lo particular a lo general, usando grafos. UNIÓN - Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Matemática, 21, 165 - 172

Como Citar
Malaspina Jurado, U. V. (2022). Vamos estimular o pensamento matemático, a partir de um problema com o índice de massa corporal. UNIÓN - REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACIÓN MATEMÁTICA, 18(65). Obtido de
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2022-08-15
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2022-08-25